Thursday, June 16, 2011


Day Four of "My GOOD WEEK". And boy have this been a day. A lot went wrong, but more went right so I'm gonna call it a good day also. Stated out with a positive meeting regarding how I am handling a case. Then was able to help my wife go see a play and rekindle a relationship she had with along go best friend. First time in a while since she have been away for a fun..actually first time she have ever been way for fun instead of work. So I know she having a blast. I was able to get good news on my other child, she is doing so well and making me proud as she accepts life and mature. Then was able to pick up kids, grab a few pizzas and feed them without a problem. Then was able to fix my busted pipe and only got partially soaked-stupid dog broke it. And now I am able to blog a little bit, surf the web and prepare for my trip for tomorrow. So this week have been a good week. I have learned to stay positive, focus on the good and don't let other negativity bring me down. It's been a blast and hope who read it enjoyed. don't know what tomorrow will bring but I'll let you know


Theresa Ip Froehlich said...

Hi Mentor James,

Your positive attitude is infectious. I too have been learning to focus on what's going right rather than what is wrong. And I am grateful to God for the change! Just hopped over from Blogfrog Redhead Riter community to visit you here.

Coach Theresa

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